I will plant them in egg cartons and watch them grow one by one.
Then they will be long and skinny plants with leaves, kind of flimsy, not very strong.
I will transplant them into the garden under my bedroom window, all along the front steps and down by the mailbox for everyone to enjoy.
Eventually, they will be tall and sturdy plants with beautiful yellow and orange flowers, with an abundance of seeds; birds will come to perch on them and they will bend under the weight.
But they will not break.
Fall will come and then winter.
The flowers will die but their seeds will be scattered abroad by the birds, the wind, the squirrels.
I will collect some seeds too.
I will plant them again next year because Christ gives me hope.
"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." -- Romans 12:12 (ESV)
Flowers by our mailbox
at joannfoleydefiore@gmail.com
for more conversation about hope.